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(646) 456-7738
Given the way that today's TV shows paint divorce with the broad brush of bitterness and drama, it'd be easy to think that caustic conflict was unavoidable.
But it doesn't have to be that way — especially if you have a skilled attorney who knows how to resolve conflicts instead of enflame them.
At Kors Law Group, we look first to see whether a client's case can be concluded with an uncontested divorce, an act of cooperation between the parties for the good of the family. Pursuing an uncontested divorce carries particular benefits when there are children involved.
The guiding principle of New York and New Jersey family law is: What's in the best interests of the children?
As loving, devoted parents, our clients know that their best interests are the best interests of their children. They're one and the same. And if a skilled attorney can bring your case to a close, resolving all issues without war, it's your children who benefit most. After all, divorce can mark a productive step forward, restructuring the family into two homes and coordinated schedules, leaving the incessant conflict that plagued the final months of the marriage far behind you.
Ask yourself, what law firm do I have to craft that productive next step?
For many firms, peaceful and rapid resolution simply isn't in their DNA. Their attorneys are so sidetracked with making the opposing party lose that they forget what outcome would be a true win for you.
For the attorneys at Kors Law Group, your ideal resolution to your case is always at the top of our minds.
And when compromise isn't possible and the case becomes contested and heads to court, we always have your back. We pride ourselves on being vigorous voice for our clients, from the filing of the divorce petition through to verdict.

Are you considering divorce?
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or by calling (646) 456-7738
We look forward to speaking with you.